Take a Homebuyer Education Class this June!

Taking a first-time homebuyer class doesn’t just give you textbook knowledge. It can help you qualify for more affordable loan programs as well. And, June is national homeownership month so what a good time to learn.

Loan programs that require homebuyer education are generally geared toward first-time homebuyers. These programs are designed to help first-time buyers overcome obstacles like lack of savings, poor credit scores, low income and money management.

One of our local partners, Piedmont Housing Alliance, offers homebuyer education classes. Their approach to homebuying is very holistic, offering free courses in financial education to become more mortgage-ready as well as homebuyer education courses once you are ready. They also have great general resources on homebuying on their website, including a 21 Step Homebuying Guide. You can also sign up to work one-on-one with a housing counselor who can guide you through the steps to home ownership. Sign up for the next free class offered virtually on 6/29 from 6-7PM to learn about down payment assistance programs that are offered. Then, there are also a few upcoming classes on strategies to boost your credit score: the first one on 6/23 and the next on 6/30 from 5:30 - 7PM.

Other resources offered are free virtual classes through Virginia Housing on homebuyer education as well.

To learn more about Renaissance Ridge, have a look at our older blog posts. Stay tuned for more information soon on home types and pricing and in the meantime, feel free to fill out our homebuyer interest form. There plans to be a future informational webinar sometime in the fall.